Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Justice Department investigates Jacksonville Schools

The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating the Jacksonville city school system in response to a complaint about the placement of the new elementary school.
According to Superintendent Jon Paul Campbell an unnamed complainant or complainants stated in a filing to the federal department last summer that the system placed minority students at a disadvantage when it decided to relocate Kitty Stone Elementary School to a site on the south end of town near Jacksonville High School.
Campbell said Tuesday that in January the school board received notice from the Department of Justice that it could proceed with plans to build the elementary school at the proposed site. He also said federal officials are still examining the district.
School board attorney Jim Turnbach said the complaint has been deemed invalid.
Campbell said the school system received notification of the investigation late last summer and that it has since sent the Justice Department more than 1,000 pages of information. Included in the information were documents detailing students’ schedules and disciplinary records.
Two weeks ago, two attorneys from the Justice Department visited Jacksonville. During the day-long visit, the attorneys spent time at each of the system’s two schools.
Campbell said that during the visit the attorneys spoke with students, teachers and school administrators.

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