Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Talladega autorities searching for boater involved in boat crash

One man is missing and another is injured after a racing boat wreck on "Lay Lake" in Talladega County. It happened about 2:00 Tuesday afternoon near Childersburg. Search and rescue crews will continue their search today. The wreck happened near River Run Road off Highway 280 near Childersburg. Childersburg Fire crews were able to rescue one of the boaters - who swam to a small island in the middle of the water.  He was transported to UAB with non life threatening injuries.  Firefighters were able to get parts of the boat out of the water - the fuel cell, the head rest and the engine cover. They also found life jackets - floating near the wreck site.  Rescuers say the boat was an RPM Redline - used for racing. Rescue crews say it was traveling at a very high rate of speed.
The identities of the men have not yet been released.

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